The Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL), also known as the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly, addresses a wide range of issues including decolonization, peacekeeping, human rights, mine action, and outer space. It was created to handle matters not covered by the Disarmament and Security Committee (DISEC). While its resolutions are non-binding, the committee plays a key role in raising awareness and fostering international cooperation

Ilian Gergisak - TROJMUN25 SPECPOL Chair

Ilian Gergisak

Natalie Babáková - TROJMUN25 SPECPOL Chair

Natalie Babáková

Topic: Addressing foreign interference with elections

Foreign interference in elections poses a significant threat to democracy in every part of the world. This phenomenon involves the manipulation of electoral processes to influence outcomes in favour of various interest groups or entire countries. Countries that either have vulnerable political systems or suffer from unstable political and civil environments are particularly susceptible, as foreign powers can easily exploit these weaknesses. The rise of social media has also exacerbated the issue, enabling rapid spread of targeted propaganda.

The impact of foreign interference goes beyond just the elections themselves; it can seriously disrupt political stability in the long run and destroy functioning international relationships. Notable examples of foreign interference include Russia's meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election through disinformation and hacking, China's influence in Taiwan's elections, where they spread false narratives to sway public opinion, or the lead-up to Ukraine's 2019 presidential election, in which the Russian interference was undeniable.

Country Matrix:

Beginner: Republic of South Africa, The Commonwealth of Australia, Canada, Republic of the Philippines, Kingdom of Spain

Intermediate: Federative Republic of Brazil, Republic of Türkiye, Federal Republic of Germany, State of Israel, Islamic Republic of Iran, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic

Advanced: United States of America, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Britain, People's Republic of China, Republic of India, Ukraine